Jon Mindas manages HEARTH. HEARTH offers transitional housing to homeless young adults age 18-21 in a supervised, yet independent, living environment. Youth receive counseling, vocational and educational training, parent education services, independent living skills training, and other supports as needed for his or her individual situation. Read more about HEARTH here.
Let’s learn more about Jon!
1. What is your favorite memory from Youth Focus?
The Youth Focus Holiday party. We got to celebrate with our families and our clients in a fun atmosphere. We laughed for hours, got to bowl (lots of gutter balls for me) and ate plenty of great food. I’m looking forward to the next holiday party.
2. What is one thing you wish the general public knew about Youth Focus?
The copious amount of services we offer. From residential treatment, outpatient counseling, transitional living, foster care, and crisis shelter. The list goes on and on. Youth Focus has endless services for youth who are experiencing a myriad of problems in Guilford County.
3. Who has influenced you most when it comes to how you approach your work?
Jason Yates. He was my first teacher in the field of social work and I was very fortunate to work alongside him at Caring Services Inc. in High Point. I have known Jason for 10 years now and he’s been a constant mentor, supporter, and source of inspiration in my life. I consider him a dear friend and someone who gave me my first opportunity in social work. He’s been in the field for 25+ years and works tirelessly to help those in need. He provided me the tools I utilize today and we’ve had many conversations about social justice, how to therapeutically engage with clients, and how to become more impactful with the people we serve. I owe my career to him.
4. What led you to Youth Focus and working with young adults?
My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008 and soon after she started attending a support group led by a clinical social worker. I was able to attend this group with my mom and it was my first experience in a therapeutic setting. I was blown away by the amount of support and encouragement that was provided in a group environment. It was a safe place for my mom during the most difficult time in her life. I knew that I wanted to provide that safe place for others.
5. What are three words to describe Youth Focus?
Impactful, supportive, safe-place….I know that’s two words, but I had to say it!!!
6. What advice would you give to your teenage self?
In life, you will make plenty of mistakes. Take the time and learn how to forgive yourself.
7. If you were stuck on an island, what three things would you bring?
My wife, my dog, and suntan lotion.
8. What’s your most-used emoji?